Trains à grande vitesse |
Trains Grande Vitesse | |||
Sapsan / Faucon pélerin |
"Sapsan" is Russian for the peregrine falcon, the fastest bird in the falcon family, so it was an appropriate name for this new train, which can reach speeds of up to 250 kmph. Produced with true German precision by Siemens, the Sapsan is fully adapted to the harsh climate of Russia. | Moscou, Saint-Petersbourg, Nizhny Novgorod | |
Allegro |
The train consists of 7 carriages and has a maximum operating speed of 220 kph. The Allegro is equipped with safety features designed to work on both the Finnish and Russian railway networks. Its equipment meets the technical requirements in the EU and Russia. |
Saint-Pétersbourg-Helsinki | |
Lastochka / Hirondelle |
The Lastochka (Desiro RUS) high-speed train was developed by the German company Siemens AG. It consists of 5 carriages with a total length of up to 130 meters. The train can reach speeds of up to 160 kph (Avaler) |
Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-sur-le-Don, Krasnodar, Sotchi, Ekaterinbourg, Ivanovo, Pskov, Koursk, Smolensk, Vyborg et autres itinéraires | |
Strizh / Martinet |
Moscou - Nizhny Novgorod Moscou - Berlin |
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